About Me

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Up in the Hills Rathdrum/Hauser, Idaho, United States
This blog is for the Thoughts, Opinions, Memories, and Musings that are rattling around in my head.



It's time. It's time to write our story.
Last evening I sat in the living room at the ranch with two grown sons and their wives, and realized that the children have assumed the roles of the adults in the family, and my job; the  Mom job, is done. We must have done something right...they are fine, fine human beings.
I am like the farmer that sits back on his tractor, looking at the acres of golden wheat just before the harvest.... I am feeling that same pride, relief, satisfaction, and quiet joy. Like the farmer, I know that there are other factors that came together to make it all work, I can't take too much of the credit, but it still feels really good.
This work has been bubbling in my mind and heart for some time now, and it became clear last night, as I officially (at least in my mind) became  the Queen Mother.
So, over the next months or years, I will try to tell the stories of our family. They will be accurate from my perspective only, they will make me laugh and cry as I tell them, and they will be an unofficial history for my family to someday read. Or burn!!
The stories will not have any chronological order, but will spring out of memories that are kindled by events of the day. My hope is that they bring a smile, or that there are lessons learned.
Life is a journey, and I am at a place on this journey where I can look back down the trail and see how far we have come.
It's time to tell the stories.....

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