About Me

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Up in the Hills Rathdrum/Hauser, Idaho, United States
This blog is for the Thoughts, Opinions, Memories, and Musings that are rattling around in my head.



we waited anxiously in the hallway outside the doctors office at Seattle children’s hospital for the foster mother and our case worker to arrive with the baby boy that we would be taking home.  The clinic was for children with Down Syndrome and this would be his six week check up.
The birth mother was only Sixteen, and had picked families to adopt her baby, but the surprise of Down syndrome caused them to back out.  It was at that same time we felt the tug to adopt another child and called our caseworker to update our paperwork.  When she asked what our preferences might be, the answer was, “whatever child God has for us”.  She wanted more specifics, so we told her, as young as possible and maybe a Down Syndrome child.   She laughed and told us of the baby that needed a family like ours.  I love the way God brings a plan together.
As we waited in the hallway, I watched for a little dark haired baby,; we were told he was Hispanic. Babies came and went and waited.  When his name was called, I was surprised to see a tiny, blond, pale.....almost translucent.....little boy wrapped in a blue blanket.  I met my son.
He was healthy, though small, and cute as could be.  No heart defect , as is common in DS, and was eating well.   Our adventure began.

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